Aditya Bidikar

Aditya Bidikar is a comic-book letterer and occasional writer based in India.

  • Status 2024-04-29

    STATUS / Back at my own home and desk. Back pain nil, which I’d like to figure out how to maintain.

    ON THE DESK / Big picture, sorting out my schedule for May – so lots of emails and staring at the calendar today. Other than that, new pages for Dawnrunner #4, and some writing work.

  • Status 2024-04-27

    Been doing these for a week now, and I’ve been enjoying them – forces me to be a bit more mindful about what I’m doing with my time, and keeps me focused on the website rather than on social media as the place where I think.

    It might be a good idea to designate these the “Status Updates” and change my weekly “Status”s to “Weeknotes” or something, otherwise it could get confusing. I’ll give it a few more days before that.

    STATUS / Regular day, other than attending a friend’s standup comedy show in the evening. Back pain is nearing zero, which is a very good sign. Hope it lasts when I get back to work next week.

  • Status 2024-04-26

    STATUS / Relaxed day. The last few days have been a bit cooler for this time in summer.

    ON THE DESK / No work on deck today. I think I’ll work on final touches for the website update, which should go up in the next few days, and start kerning and OpenType work on the font.

  • Status 2024-04-25

    STATUS / Family visited yesterday for dad’s birthday. My uncle wrote a heartfelt tribute to him. Today will be more relaxed in comparison. K is visiting in the evening for dinner.

    ON THE DESK / Minor edits on the Pride Starman story. Planning to spend the day working on the website update.

    OUT TODAY / The Six Fingers #3 with Dan Watters, Sumit Kumar, Lee Loughridge and Tom Muller, Spectregraph #1 with James Tynion IV and Christian Ward, Dawnrunner #2 with Ram V, Evan Cagle and Dave Stewart and w0rldtr33 #9 with James Tynion IV, Fernando Blanco, Jordie Bellaire and Dylan Todd are released today.

  • Status 2024-04-24

    STATUS / I kept being woken up last night by what I thought was my cat Loki’s plaintive whining, but it was someone else’s cat. Loki’s fine, sunning himself in the early morning daylight as I write this in the kitchen. It’s my dad’s birthday, so my sister and family will be visiting in the evening.

  • Status 2024-04-23

    STATUS / Day 1 of staying at the parents’ to caretake for dad. My cat Loki is leaning against the back of the laptop and snoozing as I type this.

  • Status 2024-04-22

    This is something I’m trying to do to blog more and “live” on the blog instead of on social media (which I’m mostly not on anyway). Several of my favourite bloggers have this daily “status update”-type thing. Let’s see if that helps. This obviously won’t be going into the newsletter.

    The idea is to take a status call at the beginning of each weekday. If it doesn’t work out over time, I’ll just delete all the entries.

  • Weeknotes / 2024 / Week 16: Live and Learn

    It’s been a while since I sent one of these. Two months, to be precise, but I needed the break.

  • Reading the X-Men Krakoa Era: Part 2

    (This continues from Reading the X-Men Krakoa Era: Part 1.)

    The first X-Men comic I ever read was Rom: Spaceknight #32.

  • Autopilot Scheduling

    After almost two years, I’m now working on enough projects at once that I needed to bring back a degree of organisation into my work life. I’ll be talking more about this in future blogposts, as I think out loud about what works for me.

    The first thing I went back to doing, though, is to put tasks on autopilot. This means that at any point of the day, I already know what I’m supposed to be doing, because I’ve decided on it the previous night.
