Aditya Bidikar

Aditya Bidikar is a comic-book letterer and occasional writer based in India.

Month: June 2023

  • Status Update / 2023 / Week 25


    Here’s what I’m trying to do.

    I’ve said many times over that I want to use my blog more, so I want to start doing that. All the stuff that I naturally post on Twitter? Let’s see if it can go here. I want to live here again, if I can.

  • Spider-Gwen Colour Sketch

    Right before the title drop in Across the Spider-Verse, Spider-Gwen leaves her house and swings out into the sky – does her Spidey thing. It’s a great visual sequence, and I was struck by a fleeting moment where she nearly disappears into the white sky, only standing out by the black and red of her costume.

    I wanted to draw that moment, and I wanted to draw it from memory, before I watched the movie for a second time.

    Spider-Gwen Colour Sketch
  • More Thoughts on Failure

    Last week, I wrote a fairly detailed newsletter on how intentional failure is a big part of learning how to do something. Trying, failing and integrating the failure into your process is how one learns to do anything as an adult.

    Writing that essay got me thinking about things other than drawing, and I realised that while I’ve been able to fail purposefully in drawing, there was another creative venture that had stalled out because I was – it was becoming obvious as I thought about this – afraid to fail.
